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Ads: Lots for Sale



Ads for merchandise should be placed on the "Ads: Miscellaneous" page. Likewise, ads for services should be place on the "Ads: Services" page.

This page is reserved for Lots for Sale.


1. Ads will be removed after 120 days
2. Please provide complete contact information in the listing.
3. Webmaster (and Board members) will not respond to requests for more information.
4. Webmaster reserves the right to remove any ad deemed inappropriate
5. Only lots located within Emerald Pointe are permitted.
6. POA members in good standing may post an ad. Ads posted by delinquent members will be removed.

The POA assumes no responsibility for transactions arising from these classifieds. Nor do we make any warranties, implied or explicit for such.

A list of area realtors is also available under the "Directories" menu.
