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Your registration information (address/email) entered for use on this website is NOT integrated with the database used by our CPA firm for dues invoicing, mass mailings, etc. Consequently, we must notify them as changes in this information occur.

Use this form to report a correction to or change in EITHER your:

   * preferred mailing address (used for dues, voting, and other key correspondence)
   * primary email address (used for community-wide email announcements)

This completed form will be forwarded to our CPA firm so their records may be corrected.
Please indicate in the Message box below the NEW address or NEW email address to be used going forward. It will be helpful to also include either your POA Account# (if known) or your local inside-community address if your mailing address is outside of the community. Thank you for your cooperation.

IMPORTANT! THIS FORM DOES NOT UPDATE YOUR WEB PROFILE! To update your address in your profile, select the down-arrow next to your name in the upper right of your screen (if on a computer) or select the 3 bars above the website title (if on a cell phone) then select "Account Settings". This will then provide you with the page to edit your address information.